Our Team

Roger Clark

Roger is a lifelong comics nut. After finishing graduate school in English and Philosophy in the early 1980s, he went into industry and spent the next dozen years in product development for companies creating software for designing integrated circuits and printed circuit boards. He left the workforce in 1999 to spend more time with his collections.

Chris Killackey

Chris is a lifelong comic reader and comic art enthusiast. While his day job entails helping founder-owned businesses grow and scale their businesses as a private equity professional, he moonlights as a Partner in the Slingsby Bros, Ink! publishing ventures. He's fairly good at one of those pursuits and still has a lot to learn in the other. He won't say which is which, so don't ask.

Guy Mills

Guy is Chief Information Officer of MAP Energy, LLC, as well as being a Partner in Slingsby Bros, Ink! He's an English/Creative Writing major who has spent most of his career developing and managing information systems. He's a lifelong reader of comics and an avid collector of comic art.